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Whole Food Is Medicine

​​Whole Food Is Medicine Specializes in Helping You:

  • Improve your relationship with food.
  • Improve behaviors and habits that support sustainable weight loss.
  • Transition to a whole foods based anti-inflammatory eating plan.
  • Provide nutritional guidance for those who follow vegetarian and vegan eating plans.
  • Provide nutrition guidelines and recommendations for competitive athletes.
  • Reverse borderline diabetes (pre-diabetes). 
  • Improve high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and triglycerides through application of food-based guidelines.
  • Provide counsel and guidance on appropriate movement and physical activity for improved health. 
  • Individual telehealth appointments with Dr. Amy, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Health Behavior Coach, and certified yoga instructor can be conducted from the comfort of your home or office.                 
Call 314-852-3626 to learn more!
Whole Food is Medicine aims to transform individuals into their healthiest self through the application of a whole food first approach.  This approach, when combined with other healthy lifestyle behavior changes is the ONLY approach that results in permanent changes in health and quality of life. 
Whole Health
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